pride parade 2017

A lot of pictures in this one, and I’m not sorry. Pride is such a visually overwhelming spectacle.

We got up a little late, I don’t remember why, but we were starving, so we went to Rudy’s first thing, got a great breakfast, and then hopped on the BART. Got off at Civic Center, and watched the parade from there for a couple hours. At least it seemed like a couple hours. Timestamps say an hour and a half. A lot of huge showings from tech companies, and a lot of really wonderful community groups too.

<Insert informed political dialog everyone else already had several months ago about the corporatization of Pride and the attempted rainbow-washing of companies’ reputations>

I’ve just changed jobs (now, October 2017), and I’m two and a half days in, and I couldn’t be happier that I did. I started my new job monday, and yesterday, on the way home, I actually felt like taking pictures. I was tired after 6 hours of pairing, but I wasn’t drained in the same way I was coming home from my former employer. That’s fucking fantastic. As someone who draws a great deal of self worth from creative projects, I can’t overstate how great that is.

And! look at me, blogging again! who knows, it might become a habit.

Posted by Matt on 2017-10-11 12:28:46 -0700

in the redwoods

This was the day we went to San Anselmo and took a little walk through the redwoods. Those black borders? Do not adjust your screen, there is nothing wrong; these are film pictures, shot on the massive 6x9 camera I picked up a while back.

We drove down in the morning and met up with Grant and Damaris at their house, then followed them to the little wilderness area. We hiked a little flat loop and looked at all the things; found some owl pellets and saw at least one nest.

They’re a touch dark because it’s hard, with film, to balance the range of highlights to shadows (the scenes have a range from deep shade to full sun). I think I should have erred a little more on the side of overexposure, in the case of the neg film; the slide film I don’t think there’s much I could have done to keep it in the range. Overexposed a stop and then pulled it maybe.

Up next: Pride! woot!

Posted by Matt on 2017-09-10 18:59:08 -0700

KJ and Maxine at SFMOMA

A lot of pictures in this one. The title is a lie, or at least the first two pictures are from the night they got here, not the next day. This was a really nice visit; we went to the museum on Friday, then up to the woods on saturday (where I shot film and have to find those photos for the next post) and then we did pride on sunday. A well-rounded weekend.

I love showing people SFMOMA; even with its flaws, it’s a delightful place. There are the places that are easy to get to, and then there are the places the regulars know, even in a place like an art musuem. although there are probably people that study the floor plan that know it better, I don’t know any of them. Of course, the shows that are up change with some regularity, too; it’s always fun to walk around a familiar corner and see something new and unexpected.

Anyway, enjoy the photos.

Posted by Matt on 2017-09-02 17:13:50 -0700

walk down embarcadero

I don’t remember why we were going down this way, exactly, but this was one evening some time ago.


Posted by Matt on 2017-09-02 15:11:11 -0700