a very long night

Yes, all of this really happened. It was a magic night, where we were determined to rage even if nobody around was really into the party. Hit like 4 bars, including the Hilo, which was lame and slow on a thursday, and then went back to KJ’s for the afterparty, where KJ painted flowers and gave me good advice. I think we were up till like 5? I don’t know how that happened. But it did.

Posted by Matt on 2018-02-05 23:06:03 -0800

bunker club

This was my first night hanging out back in OKC over the holidays; it would have been Boxing day. Bunker Club is a new place since the last time I was there, a real nice atom-punk bar; 50s retro theme. Call it nostalgia for the 80s nostalgia for the 50s, viewed through a drunken fun house mirror.

Anyway, that night I went and got a burrito at Big Truck, and then headed over to the bar. I sat down at the one empty spot to wait for everyone, set my camera and beer down, and the girl sitting next to me says ‘Nice camera, too bad it’s not a Canon’. We got to talking for a minute, turns out she’s also an artist.

Of course, the main event, the whole reason I was out at a bar instead of sleeping after spending the better part of the day in the welding booth getting a lesson from my dad, was to see KJ and Grant and Damaris. Grant and Damaris live out here, but we still only seem to see each other once every other month, if we’re lucky. Hard to coordinate time when we’re all available and such. So, I saw and talked to them, and drank quite a lot. They’re practically giving away beer in Oklahoma, you know.

So, I ended up back at KJ’s house, where there was a 12-ft long water spirit from Spirited Away hanging in the living room. I think it was about that point that I passed out on the couch.

Posted by Matt on 2018-01-12 00:19:30 -0800

rando game

You know that game where you look around you and guess who is the spy? If you can’t guess who it is, it’s you. There’s a party version of the game, but it’s called ‘Rando’. A party is defined by the quality of its randos (to steal a great line from busblog). You know, the guy that has that awesome story from that time about the thing, or brings the host’s favorite type of liquor or is just witty as shit. Well, I was at this party and looked around, and sure enough, I was one of the randos. This is a good enough crowd where there were several and all hella interesting.

The crowd was some people I know from odd salon (Hi Barbara and Justin!), and a bunch of new folks. I got there, took a bunch of pictures, but I was drinking straight gin at first, so the latter ones aren’t so great. I ended up hanging out and talking with people till there were maybe half a dozen hangers-on, and took a drunken cab ride home. A wonderfully pleasant evening.

Posted by Matt on 2018-01-08 23:28:41 -0800

the two xmas parties

So, I was messing around with my old XPro, and discovered that I’d shot the 2016 Apcera party on it and then forgot about it. I downloaded the pictures, and then saw that I had 2017’s party to post too, and well here we are. These were both open bar affairs, so please excuse the blurryness in some of these, the whiskey was very good both years.

The venues were different but the story was mostly the same, except: the first year, I was in the city, so went to the hotel room to hang out while everyone was getting ready, and shot photos out the window. Year two, I was mad late because of traffic getting into the city (since I work from home now).

Coming soon: a few photos from Oklahoma.

Posted by Matt on 2018-01-03 22:29:25 -0800