So, in case you haven't heard, I started a new job this week, at "Bleacher Report": . New job, new commute. Shiny new Macbook Pro. Anyway, I wanted to put up some photos from this morning, and the one at the end from last night, walking to the apple store to get a padded sleeve for the new rig. The sony is mostly dead, I need to see about getting it repaired. That siad, it has emboldened me to get out shooting more with the Nikon. And to post more, because as Sophie keeps telling me, people like pictures.
Posted by Matt on 2015-08-18 10:10:54 -0700
This was what, like 3, 4 weeks ago now? something like that. A really enjoyable couple days out on the California delta. I was just getting used to the sony at that point. Good camera, fast, does OK in low light. It's not terribly durable; my frame of reference is a professional DSLR like the D750 I have, though. I think it might just be in that category of camera that everyone else has, that needs to be in a padded case when it's not in use. I've dented a couple corners and filled it with sunscreen, destroying the flippy LCD. I've removed it, making the camera a little slimmer, but I wish it'd been a little more durable to begin with.
It's an excellent carry-around camera, and amazing for street shooting. The experimental post I made the other day was all shot with it. It's small, silent, and produces really good results in decent light. So, even if this one bites it, I may buy another just like it. And a pouch to protect it.
Posted by Matt on 2015-08-12 15:21:01 -0700
Today was great; I got to meet a bunch of cool hardware folks (and "one novelist": at "@genmon's": hardware-ish coffee. Lots of good ideas flying around, and everybody seemed to like the "watch": . Some other fellows had an interesting museum-y thing, and another guy had a bunch of little gadgets he'd made based on the electric imp. I'll update this with a link to Matt's post when he puts it up, with actual names. I was too busy sort of absorbing all the good ideas to really take it in.
But: Look at that photo of Tom. Sunburnt as hell and not a single fuck given.
Posted by Matt on 2015-08-06 20:57:13 -0700
Ah, market street north of third: the real heart of the city, beating with activity. I love this part of town the most; it's the most inhospitible to sanity but also the most alive place in the whole city. You get a sense of the scale of the place here, like no other. This is somewhat experimental, as I edited the photos on my phone. I may hate it and delete it later.
Posted by Matt on 2015-08-05 18:50:53 -0700