rad last june

So, this was probably the June edition of Radical Art Directors, which is really a meetup of a bunch of artists more than art directors; there are about half working artists and half people like me that do a day job to support all of this. It’s a good event, pretty much always, and good to get together with artistic peers and talk about stuff. Sometimes there’s structured discussion around the topics, and sometimes it’s just pretty free-form. These are rad people.

This (and one more wedding post) is the last of the film work. I’ve got half a dozen rolls that I need to process, but I’ve almost completely stopped using the film camera now that I have the Leica. End of an era. might pull it out of the cabinet if the mood strikes me, or if for some reason I need something small and light again. we’ll see.

Posted by Matt on 2018-09-03 23:02:38 -0700

wedding reception

The reception, I mean, what can I say, it was a wedding. Lots of fun. lots of drinking, everyone seems really happy. The legally required scenes all happened: the best man toast, the maid of honor toast, the cutting of the cake, the dances. I covered it all as well as I could.

Posted by Matt on 2018-09-02 00:29:44 -0700

yesterday and today

So it’s been… three whole days? and here I am with my second blog post with photos I’ve shot in the last 48 hours. That should tell you all you need to know about how I feel about the new rig, but here, an analogy, because why the hell not:

Have you ever ridden a bike? And you’ve been going for a while, but you’re not tired yet, and for a moment the wind gusts at your back or the terrain levels out, and you and the bike just meld together and it doesn’t really feel like there’s any separation between what you want to do and where the bike goes? Just a sort of joy in the moment? It’s like that.

So even though these aren’t perfect, my hit rate is way up and the way I feel about shooting with the Leica: yeah, it’s like that. Click click click. Some of these have been on instagram, but cropped, which is against my religion, so here they are as they’re meant to be seen. I know this is a lot of street shots, but that’s where I’m at right now. Should have some good times with people I know better and can maybe make some real portraits over the weekend. Now, to work on my odd salon talk.

Posted by Matt on 2018-08-30 23:00:10 -0700

boston and points north

I always was a sucker for the moon, even super tiny in the frame.

Posted by Matt on 2018-08-30 01:11:52 -0700